In Act 3 we find out that Mrs. Linde and Krogstad have a little history together. We kind of figure this out by the way Mrs. Linde calls Krogstad by a nickname she says which is "Nils". Nora and Helmer come back from the dance and Helmer is drunk. Dr. Rank is comes in and he is soon about to die. Helmer is saying how he couldn't wait to get Nora back home all to himself but Nora is rejecting him and telling him to stop. Helmer finds a letter about Dr. Rank and he finally finds out that Dr. Rank is going to die. Nora and Helmer are talking and Nora finally stands up for herself and tells Helmer off. She decides to leave Helmer and the kids while Helmer is pleading for her to stay. Helmer is still begging her to stay and he even asks can they live together as brother and sister(weirdo). Nora says that before she is a wife and a mother she is also human and needs to move on with her life. She says that Helmer never loved her, he only loved the thought of being in love with her. People this is sad. How can she leave him after 8 years? How can she leave me? She left me people she left me, NOOOOOOOOO. I am a lonely man without my little skylark. Why Lord, WHY? lolz
I believe in this play Nora was the doll stuck in the house being played with by everyone around her. That is why its called A Doll's House. But then the doll left the house so it should be changed to A House lolz. Miss. Santos I want to read the other ending of the play because this ending sucks real major.
First Post by Tuesday, 11:59PM
9 years ago